Valorant right now exists as a Multiplayer FPS game but is it possible that Valorant get a Campaign Mode or a Story Mode? Riot has answered that, as more players look towards more lore and even a “story mode.”
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It would not affect the gameplay or any performance PE say, but it’s an extra ordinary element Riot is known for expanding on and bringing new features to enhance gamer’s experience. Also, League of Legends has diverse backgrounds for all 153 champions and counting so on. They’re even making an MMO based on Runeterra and the experiences of each character. Changing or Improving Ranking System has some positive views from the community. Riot has pointed out that they want to do the same with Valorant — no matter how many Agents they design or the number of agents. They’re going to start building on that in 2021, but in what format yet remains to be seen. That hasn’t stopped players from hypothesizing or pleading with Riot. The idea of a story mode campaign, similar to what’s being built for Overwatch 2 right now, has been floated before. Riot has answered the potential of such a mode, stating they’re not working on one just yet and would consider it in the future. “A traditional story mode is not in our current plans but… never say never. Our goal is always to listen to players and so we will continue to adapt and create experiences based on what you are telling us you want,” the Valorant Crew told players in a blog post which was posted on 24th December. “It’s definitely our goal for players to discover more about Agents and their stories in the future. Right now, some of those details are seeded into the game itself, in Player Cards, Character VO, etc. — there are a lot of places where you can find and piece together snippets” Team further added.
Read our answers here: — VALORANT (@PlayVALORANT) December 24, 2020 Riot is exploring the backgrounds of Agents through other ways currently so that they get help building a backstory of agents for which they could make a successful Campaign Story. Whether they be the subtle hints or more in-depth narratives already in the pipeline, 2021 is going to be a good year for lore enthusiasts. “Next year, we are going to start to delve more into the world of Valorant,” Creative Director David Nottingham said earlier in December. “We will start to confirm some (but not all) of the theories around the epic conflict between Valorant and [REDACTED]” further Blog Post added. It would be very interesting to see what new changes or updates Riot Games proceed with Valorant and how they enhance and make Valorant Community better.
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